Vanguard European and Pacific Stock Index Funds Transition to New FTSE Index

Vanguard has announced that the $20 billion Vanguard European Stock Index Fund and the $5 billion Vanguard Pacific Stock Index Fund will begin seeking to track new FTSE indexes on October 1, 2015.


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The funds will transition from FTSE benchmarks containing large- and mid-cap stocks to broader FTSE benchmarks that include large-, mid-, and small-cap stocks. The European Stock Index Fund will begin tracking the FTSE Developed Europe All Cap Index and the Pacific Stock Index Fund will begin to track the FTSE Developed Asia Pacific All Cap Index. Adding small-cap exposure to the funds moves investors closer to market-cap weightings and fuller diversification benefits.

The benchmark changes include all share classes of the two funds, including their ETF share classes, FTSE Europe ETF (VGK) and FTSE Pacific ETF (VPL).



Wilshire Micro-Cap ETF (based on the Wilshire US Micro-Cap Index)


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