Ubs declares coupon payments on nineteen Etracs Exchange-Traded Notes

UBS Investment Bank has announced coupon payments for twelve ETRACS exchange-traded notes, all traded on the NYSE Arca. The relevant coupon information is provided in the table below. ....

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MLPI: linked to the Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index

MLPL: linked to the Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index

MLPG: linked to the Alerian Natural Gas MLP Index

MLPW: linked to the Wells Fargo Master Limited Partnership Index

BDCS: linked to the Wells Fargo Business Development Company Index

BDCL: linked to the Wells Fargo Business Development Company Index

RWXL: linked to the Dow Jones Global ex-U.S. Select Real Estate Securities Index

DVYL: linked to the Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend Index

SDYL: linked to the S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Index

MORL: linked to the Market Vectors Global Mortgage REITs Index

DVHI: linked to the NYSE Diversified High Income Index

DVHL: linked to the NYSE Diversified High Income Index

CEFL: linked to the ISE High Income Index

FMLP: linked to the Wells Fargo MLP Ex-Energy Index

LMLP: linked to the Wells Fargo MLP Ex-Energy Index

HDLV: linked to the Solactive US High Dividend Low Volatility Index

SMHD: linked to the Solactive US Small Cap High Dividend Index

LRET: linked to the MSCI US REIT Index

MLPV: linked to the S&P MLP Index


NYSE Ticker – ETN Name – Coupon Amount – Payment Schedule – Current Yield* (annualized)


MLPI** – ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure ETN – $0.4973 – Quarterly – 7.35%

MLPL** ETRACS 2x Monthly Leveraged Long Alerian MLP Infrastructure ETN –  $1.2516 – Quarterly -20.43%

MLPG** ETRACS Alerian Natural Gas MLP Index ETN  – $0.4412 – Quarterly – 7.80%

MLPW** ETRACS Wells Fargo MLP ETN  –  $0.4628 – Quarterly – 7.90%

BDCS** ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Development Company ETN    – $0.4411 – Quarterly – 8.87%

BDCL** ETRACS 2x Leveraged Long Wells Fargo Business Development Company ETN –  $0.7782 – Quarterly – 19.97%

MLPV** ETRACS 2xMonthly Leveraged S&P MLP Index ETN – $0.6936 – Quarterly – 18.09%

RWXL*** ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Dow Jones International Real Estate ETN – $0.1053 – Monthly – 5.84%

DVYL*** ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Dow Jones Select Dividend Index ETN – $0.3570 – Monthly – 8.15%

SDYL*** ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged S&P Dividend ETN – $0.2427 – Monthly – 6.57%

MORL*** ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Mortgage REIT ETN –  $0.6702 – Monthly – 23.30%

DVHI*** ETRACS Diversified High Income ETN – $0.1686 – Monthly – 7.23%

DVHL*** ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Diversified High Income ETN – $0.3158 – Monthly – 17.18%

CEFL*** ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Closed-End Fund ETN – $0.3037 – Monthly – 23.21%

FMLP*** ETRACS Wells Fargo® MLP Ex-Energy ETN   – $0.0010 – Monthly – 6.74%

LMLP*** ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Wells Fargo MLP Ex-Energy ETN – $0.0239 – Monthly – 20.32%

HDLV*** ETRACS 2xLeveraged US High Dividend Low Volatility ETN – $0.2858 Monthly – 10.99%

SMHD*** ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN – $0.5087 Monthly – 21.25%

LRET*** ETRACS 2xLeveraged MSCI US REIT Index ETN   – $0.2499 – Monthly – 8,08%

Valuation Date: 9/30/15

Ex-Date: 10/08/15

Record Date: 10/13/15

Payment Date: 10/21/15

* Due to the monthly coupon payment schedule of these ETNs, “Current Yield (annualized)” equals the sum of the most recently announced Coupon Amount and the two immediately preceding Coupon Amounts, multiplied by four (to annualize such coupons), divided by the closing price of the ETN on its current Coupon Valuation Date, or, if the closing price is not available on that date, then the previous available closing price, and rounded to two decimal places for ease of analysis. The Current Yield is not indicative of future coupon payments, if any, on the ETN. You are not guaranteed any coupon or distribution amount under the ETN.

** LRET launched on May 5, 2015. The “Current Yield (annualized)” equals the current Coupon Amount, multiplied by twelve (to annualize such coupon), divided by the closing price of the ETN on its current Coupon Valuation Date, or, if the closing price is not available on that date, then the previous available closing price, and rounded to two decimal places for ease of analysis. The Current Yield is not indicative of future coupon payments, if any, on the ETN. You are not guaranteed any coupon or distribution amount under the ETN.
Note: The ETNs listed in the table pay a variable monthly coupon linked to the cash distributions, if any, on the respective underlying index constituents, less withholding taxes, if any. Variations in the amount of monthly distributions will lead to large variations in the Current Yield as calculated above. As such, the Current Yield for each is not indicative of future coupon payments, if any, on these ETNs.



Wilshire Micro-Cap ETF (based on the Wilshire US Micro-Cap Index)


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