Stoxx Limited announces changes to the Index Universe definiton for Chinese shares

STOXX Limited, the market-moving provider of innovative, tradable and global index concepts, today announced a rule change to its indices in regard to the definition of the index universe for Chinese and Hong Kong share types. Furthermore, a name change for the STOXX Americas 600 Index and all sub- and sector-indices was announced. All changes will become effective with the Q2 Benchmark Review on June 18, 2012...   

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The STOXX Americas 600 Index is a sub-set of the STOXX Global 1800 Index, and represents the 600 largest companies in the Americas portion of the global index. As it only covers Canada and the United States, the index will be renamed to STOXX North America 600 Index as of June 18, 2012, for clarity’s sake. The index universe of this index remains unchanged.

As of June 18, 2012, the definition of the index universe for Chinese and Hong Kong shares will change. This will affect the STOXX Asia/Pacific 600, STOXX China Total Market and STOXX Hong Kong Total Market indices, as well as all related sub- and sector indices.

Currently, China Red Chip shares are classified to be part of Hong Kong. With the implementation of the rule change, these shares will become classified as Chinese shares. The selection universe for the STOXX Asia/Pacific 600 Index will be expanded to also include the share category “China Red Chips”. Furthermore, Chinese B-Shares will be added to the selection universe for China.

Changes in the STOXX Asia/Pacific 600 Index universe:

STOXX Asia/Pacific 600 Index

Current definition:




Australian shares

Hong Kong shares (including Chinese Red Chips)

Japanese shares

New Zealand shares

Singapore shares

From June 18, 2012:


Australian shares

Chinese Red Chips

Hong Kong shares

Japanese shares

New Zealand shares

Singapore shares


Changes in share classification:

Hong Kong Universe

China Universe

Current definition:

Hong Kong shares incl.

Chinese Red Chips

Chinese H-Shares

From June 18, 2012:


Hong Kong shares


Chinese H-Shares

Chinese B-Shares

Chinese Red Chips


Source: ETFWorld – STOXX

STOXX Limited, the market-moving provider of innovative, tradable and global index concepts, today announced the launch of a new set of ex Financials and ex Banks indices for Europe and the Euro zone. The new indices exclude all companies which are part of the Industry Classification Benchmark's (ICB) industry Financials or the supersector Banks, respectively.


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