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S&P Indices to calculate new green index for Living Planet

New index provides green business benchmark for WWF International subsidiary…

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S&P Indices announces that it has been chosen by the Living Planet Fund Management Company (“LPF”) to calculate and maintain a new index tracking the performance of stocks active in green business.  LPF is a subsidiary of WWF International, one of the largest environmental organisations in the world.

The Living Planet Green Tech Europe Index will be calculated using an objective, formulae-based proprietary methodology specific to LPF which employs a green co-efficient to determine the weightings of the stocks in the index.  S&P Indices will calculate the Net Total Return on a real-time basis under the ticker LPGTE (Bloomberg and Reuters).

According to LPF, LPF manages an investment fund that incorporates socially responsible investing criteria in its selection of companies considered as suitable for investment.  Companies within each industrial sector need to meet an acceptable standard on financial and other non-financial criteria, after which the ‘best in class’ for each sector are considered for investment.  Some industry sectors, such as tobacco and armaments, are excluded altogether.

Marius Baumann, Global Head of Custom Index Services, S&P Indices said: “We are delighted to be calculating this new index, which not only draws on our strength in producing custom indices for clients, but also on our wider SRI experience.”

Chiew Y Chong, Managing Director of LPF, said: “Our fund is committed to socially responsible investment and this new index will help us benchmark our performance.  S&P Indices has a long track record of providing indices in this area and so was the natural choice for us.”

Standard & Poor’s does not sponsor, endorse, sell or promote any S&P index-based investment product.

Source: ETFWorld – S&P Indices  


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