america 7

Nyse Arca: Liquidation of one ETF

On September 20, 2011, Direxion Shares ETF Trsut Eannounced the scheduled liquidation of the Direxion Airline Shares (the “Fund”)..

            Accordingly, Monday, October 10, 2011, will be the last day shares of the Fund can be traded on NYSE Arca and the last day on which creation unit aggregations of the Fund may be purchased or redeemed. NYSE Arca will suspend trading in the Fund prior to the opening of business on Tuesday, October 11, 2011.
            On or about the October 17, 2011 (the “Liquidation Date”), the Fund will liquidate its assets and distribute cash pro rata to all remaining shareholders who have not previously redeemed their shares.
            In addition, these payments to shareholders will include accrued capital gains and dividends, if any.
            As calculated on the Liquidation Date, the Fund’s net asset value will reflect the costs of closing the Fund.
            Suspension Date: 10/11/2011
            Symbol: FLYX
            Issuer: Direxion Shares ETF Trust
            Issue: Direxion Airline Shares
            CUSIP: 25459W185

            Source: ETFWorld – NYSE Euronext (NYX)


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