ETFWorld |
ETF Scheda Prodotto / Fiche Produit / Factsheet / Stammdaten / Ficha |
Exchange |
iShares S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure |
iShares (Barclays Global Investors – BGI) |
IT |
Codice ISIN |
IE00B2NPL135 |
FR |
Code ISIN |
IE00B2NPL135 |
UK |
ISIN Code: |
IE00B2NPL135 |
DE |
ES |
Código Isin |
IT |
Investimento minimo: |
1 quota |
FR |
Investissement minimum: |
1 part |
UK |
Trading lot: |
1 unit |
DE |
Minimale Ordergröße: |
ES |
Mínima Inversión: |
IT |
Sottostante: |
S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure Index |
FR |
Sous-jacent: |
S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure Index |
UK |
Underlying: |
S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure Index |
DE |
Zugrundeliegender Referenzindex: |
ES |
Índice de Referencia: |
IT |
Classe: |
Mercati Emergenti – Settoriale |
FR |
Classification: |
Marchés émergents |
UK |
Classification: |
Emerging Equity – Sector |
DE |
Klasse: |
ES |
Categoría: |
IT |
Frazione del sottostante: |
n.d. |
FR |
Fraction du sous-jacent: |
n.d. |
UK |
Fraction of the underlying: |
n.a. |
DE |
Abbildungsverhältnis: |
ES |
Fracción del Índice: |
IT |
Max. Spread Denaro-Lettera: |
2,00% |
FR |
Spread Maximum: |
2,00% |
UK |
Max. Spread Bid-Ask |
2,00% |
DE |
Max. Spread: |
ES |
Horquilla Máxima: |
IT |
Armonizzato: |
Si |
FR |
Eligibilité PEA: |
Oui |
UK |
Yes |
DE |
ES |
IT |
Commissioni di ingresso/uscita: |
0.00% |
FR |
Droits d’entrée / Droits de sortie: |
0.00% |
UK |
Enter / Exit expense |
0.00% |
DE |
Eintritts-unt Austrittsgebühre: |
ES |
Comisión por suscripción/reembolso: |
IT |
Commissioni di gestione annuali: |
0,74% |
FR |
Frais de gestion annuels |
0,74% |
UK |
Total Expense Ratio p.a.: |
0,74% |
DE |
Management Fee p.a. : |
ES |
Comisión anual de gestión: |
IT |
Frequenza Dividendi |
Semestrale |
FR |
Fréquence du dividende: |
Semestriel |
UK |
Dividend frequency: |
semi-annual |
DE |
Ertragsverwendung: |
ES |
Frecuencia de dividendos |
IT |
Stacco Dividendi: |
30/04 – 30/10 |
FR |
Dètachement du dividende: |
30/04 – 30/10 |
UK |
Ex-date dividend: |
30/04 – 30/10 |
DE |
Ausschüttungstermin: |
ES |
Fecha de sin dividendos: |
IT |
Valuta: |
Euro |
FR |
Devise: |
Euro |
UK |
Currency: |
Gbp |
DE |
Fondswährung: |
ES |
Divisa de referencia: |
IT |
Data di inizio quotazione: |
10/03/09 |
FR |
Date de cotation: |
11/03/09 |
UK |
Inception date: |
14/02/08 |
DE |
Zeitpunkt der Auflage |
ES |
Primer día cotización: |
IT |
Borsa di quotazione: |
ETFPlus – Borsa Italiana |
FR |
Bourse de négociation: |
NextTrack-Euronext Paris |
UK |
Exchange: |
LSE – London Stock Exchange |
DE |
Börse: |
ES |
Bolsa de Valores: |
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