Hua An licenses the FTSE 100 for their first international ETF in China

FTSE Group (FTSE), announces it has licensed the FTSE 100 for the first international Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) to be listed by….



Hua An Asset Management (Hua An) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE). By working with fund managers in China such as Hua An, FTSE brings its global index standards to China to provide best in class indices as the basis for ETFs and other products for QDII investors. By understanding the unique investment needs of Chinese investors FTSE is able to facilitate new investment opportunities in global markets in partnership with local managers.

FTSE is a leading provider of indices for ETFs globally with over approximately 45 billion in ETF assets linked to FTSE indices and is the market leader of China indices with over approximately USD 18 billion invested into products that track FTSE’s China themed indices. As both a global and regional index expert FTSE has been able to build a successful business that address the investment challenges of international and domestic investors.

FTSE’s Chief Executive Mark Makepeace, comments “We are delighted to be working with Hua An on their first ETF that enable investment into global markets. This is an exciting time in China as the infrastructure and regulatory framework develops to provide Chinese investors access to global markets. FTSE is pleased to be part of this process and, as a pioneer in the China market, looks forward to building on this success.”

FTSE continues to work closely with Chinese market participants for QDII needs and has also signed a data license agreement with the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges.

The FTSE 100 is recognised as the definitive blue chip index for the UK market representing approximately 85% of the UK market capitalisation. It is the index of choice for investors who wish to access the UK market and is used extensively as a basis for investment products, such as tracker funds, derivatives, ETFs, and other structured products.

Source: ETFWorld – FTSE Group (FTSE)


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