Guggenheim CurrencyShares® Exchange Traded Products Declare Monthly Distributions

Guggenheim Investments Guggenheim Investments, the investment management division of Guggenheim Partners, today announced the distribution declarations for the following CurrencyShares® exchange traded products: ….

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CurrencyShares® Australian Dollar Trust (NYSE: FXA) and CurrencyShares® Canadian Dollar Trust (NYSE: FXC).


NYSE Ticker Fund Name Declaration Date Ex-dividend Date Record Date Payable Date/Share Distribution
FXA CurrencyShares Australian Dollar Trust 2.27.2015 3.2.2015 3.4.2015 3.9.2015 $0.08781
FXC CurrencyShares Canadian Dollar Trust 2.27.2015 3.2.2015 3.4.2015 3.9.2015 $0.00049

Distributions are made to shareholders on a pro-rata basis (in accordance with the number of shares that are owned) only in the event that the interest earned by the Trust exceeds the sum of the sponsor’s fee for the prior month plus other Trust expenses, if any. There is no guarantee that distributions will be made on a monthly basis.




Wilshire Micro-Cap ETF (based on the Wilshire US Micro-Cap Index)


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