Dow Jones Industrial Average Hedged JPY Indices Licensed to Nomura Securities

DJIA Hedged JPY Inverse Index and DJIA Hedged JPY Leveraged 2X Index to Provide Underlying Index Basis For Nomura Securities ETNs…


S&P Dow Jones Indices today announced that it has licensed the Dow Jones Industrial Average TM Hedged JPY Inverse Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average Hedged JPY Leveraged 2X Index to Nomura Securities Co., LTD
to serve as the basis for Nomura Securities ETNs.
The ETNs will be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on October 28, 2013. The two underlying Indices, which take into account the performance of the Japanese Yen against the U.S. Dollar, are new versions of the widely recognized indicator of blue – chip U.S. stocks, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).
“We are pleased to license our Indices to Nomura Securities for these ETNs ,” said Yoshiyuki Makino, Vice President and Head of S&P Dow Jones Indices Tokyo office. “
The hedged versions of DJIA, provide Japanese investors with important benchmarks that measure blue chip U.S. equities while seeking to hedge out currency risk.” 

Source: ETFWorld – S&P Dow Jones Indices



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