Barclays Bank PLC to automatically redeem the iPath® Short Extended S&P 500® TR Index ETN (ticker: SFSA)……
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Barclays Bank PLC announced the automatic redemption of its iPath® Short Extended S&P 500® TR Index Exchange Traded Note (ticker: SFSA) (the “ETNs”). The ETNs are being redeemed as the result of an automatic termination event occurring on September 7, 2012, the automatic termination date. As described in the prospectus, an automatic termination event occurs when the intraday indicative note value of the ETNs on any trading day is equal to or less than the automatic termination level of $10.00. Details of the automatic termination event are below.
Automatic Termination Date: September 7, 2012
Time of Automatic Termination Event: 4:00 p.m. EST
Automatic Termination Level: $10.00
Holders of the ETNs on the automatic redemption date, which is the fifth business day following the automatic termination date, will receive a cash payment equal to the automatic redemption value.
Automatic Redemption Date: September 14, 2012
Automatic Redemption Value: $9.9312
Source: ETFWorld – Barclays Bank PLC
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