Three times more ETFs linked to MSCI indexes than to the next provider .…
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Baer Pettit, Managing Director and Global Head of Products
MSCI strengthens leadership position in factor indexes
MSCI Inc. a leading provider of research-based indexes and analytics, reports that assets in ETFs linked to MSCI indexes grew more than 12 percent in the first quarter of 2015, reaching an all-time high of $418 billion. ETF providers launched 56 products based on MSCI indexes during the period, three times more than the next index provider.
The surge in demand from ETF providers for MSCI Factor Indexes continued, with 11 new ETFs launched in the first quarter, two times higher than the next index provider. These new ETFs attracted $4.4 billion in assets, or 31 percent of the total asset flows into that category.
Other highlights:
ETFs linked to MSCI Minimum Volatility Indexes, the industry’s first low volatility benchmarks, reached a record $13 billion in assets under management.
Assets in ETFs tracking the MSCI USA Quality Index surpassed the $1 billion mark.
Global currency hedged ETF assets attracted $28 billion in new assets, with half of those fund flows going to ETFs linked to MSCI Currency Hedged Indexes. There are now 68 currency-hedged ETFs globally linked to MSCI indexes, more than all other index providers combined.
“Following strong growth in the number of ETFs tracking our indexes in 2014, this year is off to a record-setting start,” said Baer Pettit, Managing Director and Global Head of Products. “As the industry grows in size and complexity, we intend to maintain our position as the first choice of ETF providers who are looking for both leading-edge innovation and exceptional quality.”
With over 730 ETFs tracking MSCI indexes globally, more ETFs track MSCI’s indexes than those of any other index provider.
Wilshire Micro-Cap ETF (based on the Wilshire US Micro-Cap Index)
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